Felony Crimes
Defend Your RightsLong Beach Felony Crime Lawyer
30-Year Criminal Defender Serving the Accused in Long Beach & Surrounding Areas
Felony crimes in California are distinguished from misdemeanors by the fact that they carry sentences of more than a year in a county jail or state prison. These crimes are considered more serious than misdemeanors. In some cases, prison terms may last for decades or life along with other penalties. Convictions will also result in permanent criminal records that can harm future life opportunities.
When being investigated for, arrested for, or charged with a felony, you must put an experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side as soon as possible. Because of the high stakes involved, you will want a professional who has demonstrated competence in the legal arena, who knows how to exhaust every legal means in search of a favorable result, and who will give you the aggressive defense needed. At Frisco Law Offices, our attorney puts everything on the line for clients; we are committed to protecting your rights and pursuing what is in your best interests from start to finish.
Get a free case evaluation from our Long Beach felony crime attorney. Contact us online or at (800) 928-9117 for help today.
Felony Crimes in California
Felony crimes in California have been divided into two groups: 1. “Straight” felonies and 2. “Wobblers.”
Straight felonies are those that cannot be reduced to misdemeanors at the discretion of the prosecutor. Wobblers are those that can be reduced to misdemeanors by the prosecutor based on the facts of your case and your prior criminal record, if any.
Straight felonies can include such crimes as murder, rape, or vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence. Wobblers can include second-degree burglary, sexual battery, and assault with a deadly weapon. The above are not complete lists but only examples of each.
Felony Crime Penalties
Penalties for a felony conviction can include jail or prison time as well as a fine of up to $10,000. Prison terms can include two, four, or six years unless the felony law applicable to your case does not specify the term. In those cases, prison terms may be for 16 months, two years, or three years. The highest number of years is generally only ordered in cases where the felony has “aggravating” factors, such as the use of a deadly weapon.
Fines are generally up to $10,000 unless the law that you have broken especially states otherwise. Penalties may include a fine only or a fine added to incarceration. You will also likely face a period of probation, which can last for two or three years, unless you have been convicted of a violent felony. You will need to comply with all of the conditions of probation set forth by the court. These conditions can include community service hours, counseling, meeting with your probation officer, drug testing, or other requirements.
The collateral consequences of a felony conviction include a criminal record that can impact your eligibility for jobs, housing, educational opportunities, and professional licenses. Convicted felons also may not own or possess firearms.
Because of the severe consequences you face when accused of a felony crime, you should waste no time in seeking the representation of a proven and dedicated criminal defense lawyer. At Frisco Law Offices, our top priority is to provide you with exceptional service.
Learn more about how we can assist you by requesting a free case evaluation.
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