Restraining Orders
Defend Your RightsRestraining Order Lawyer in Long Beach, CA
Have You Been Subjected to an Unfair Restraining Order or Violation?
Restraining orders are common in California. These types of orders issued by the courts are based on allegations of abuse, harassment, stalking, or making threats against someone. Different types of restraining orders have been established under California law for various scenarios based on where and with whom the allegations have taken place.
Restraining orders can have severe consequences on your life. At Frisco Law Offices, we understand the impact they can have, especially in cases where you have been accused of violating their conditions. Our Long Beach restraining order attorney can provide the guidance and advocacy you need in fighting an unfair restraining order that is pending or fighting a restraining order violation accusation. With 30 years of experience in such matters, we have the knowledge, resources, and skills you need in such an important issue.
Call (800) 928-9117 or contact Frisco Law Offices online to arrange for a complimentary consultation with our Long Beach restraining order attorney about your case. We serve clients in Southern California.
Restraining Orders in California
California restraining orders, also called protective orders, are used to protect alleged victims in four different categories as follows:
- Domestic violence
- Elder abuse
- Workplace harassment/violence
- Civil harassment/violence
In all of these, if you are the one named as the aggressor in the order, you will be restricted in specific ways from attempting to contact or cause harm to the alleged victim. You may also face additional directions and restrictions by the court, especially in domestic violence orders. These can include suspending child custody and visitation rights, forcing you to pay the mortgage, rent, or other monthly expenses of the shared residence from which you have been forced to leave, turning over a vehicle for use to the protected person, losing your right to possess a gun, and whatever else the court dictates.
Each order is specific to the case involved and created for a certain period. They can be put into effect on an emergency, temporary, or more “permanent” basis of three to five years. When faced with the threat of an ensuing restraining order or a violation of one, you will have your chance in court to challenge it.
Violations of Restraining Orders
Violations of restraining orders are considered crimes in California. If you violate any of the terms of a restraining order, you can be charged with a misdemeanor punishable by jail time of up to a year and a fine that has a maximum of $1,000. Furthermore, if you are found in possession of a gun while under a restraining order, you could be charged with this as an additional crime under another California law.
Challenging a Restraining Order or Violation
If you want to challenge the issuance of a restraining order or an accusation of its violation, you will need the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney. At Frisco Law Offices, we can present evidence as to why one should not be ordered or evidence to fight the alleged violation.
Request your complimentary case review online or by phoning (800) 928-9117 today.
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